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🔗R - Fatal Error: Unable to open the base package
On my Windows work computer I was having a weird problem where R would break after I restarted my computer. The basics of the problem were: I installed a new version of R, version 4.2.2 to be exact, R would work until I would restart my computer. After that when I started R it would crash I would get an error
Fatal Error: Unable to open base package
. For weeks I googled around and most of what I could find had to do Rstudio not finding the right version of R. Based on what I found I deleted all of my .Rprofile and .Renviron files that I could find. I deleted all the old versions of R on my machine. Nothing worked. I reinstalled R version 4.2.2 like 5 times. Still the same problem. I even installed R on an external hard drive because I thought that my work proxy was doing something weird. -
🔗A few helpers for working with the {targets} package in R.
I started to use the
package for some of my larger projects. It was a little challenging for me to wrap my head around but after working through some initial problems I think it will help me stay organized and write code in a more composable way. Below are a few notes that I needed to keep coming back to when I was getting started. If you need a comprehensive{targets}
getting started I suggest the targets book linked above or in the References section below. -
🔗Predicting if the Dolores River Will Have a Raftable Release V2
Will there be a raftable release below McPhee Dam this year? I hope so. In this post I'll use the
R package to predict the number of raftable release days with Xgboost. This post is an update to an earlier post. I take a slightly different approach to build this model and I think the model is more accurate than the last model I built. -
🔗2022 in Review...Here we come 2023
Warning: This is probably way too long. Sorry.
🔗A New Schmidtynotes
About a year ago I redesigned this site. I mostly liked my old site, but I wanted to move away from Jekyll. I didn't dislike Jekyll, but programming brings many technologies to learn. I've been heading down the javascript path for a while now learning express.js and p5. I wanted to complete my transformation with the move to Eleventy (or 11ty). This post covers problems I had moving from Jekyll to Eleventy, how I solved them, and introduces some features of the new site.
🔗Some Things I've Designed
Over the last few years, I've designed a few things that I'd like to share. Some for clients, some for fun, and some to bring recycling to my community. I don't do a ton of designing, so when I do design something I like I feel like sharing.